Friday, October 2, 2009

A Decade of Movies #11

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Directed by Dave Filoni
Released August 15, 2008

Good: Jedi, Stinky the Hutt, lightsabers, old school Saturday morning style action/adventure and fun, outer space, Anakin as a likeable character, Ziro fhe Hutt, Ashoka's trashy tubetop.

Bad: The first 4 episodes of a cartoon being turned into a theatrical release.

Thoughts: I really like this movie. It's tone feels more like the original Star Wars movies than most of the prequels do to me. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is essentially the pilot to The Clone Wars animated series. George Lucas decided to release it in theaters to build up hype for the show, and probably to get people to pay for what would normally be free on television. Unfortunately most critics hated it, judging it as another Star Wars movie and not a serialized cartoon.

Drinking Game Ideas: Take a shot of whatever you choose whenever Ahsoka gets "snippy." Chase it with blue milk.

Fun Fact: Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the seventh Star Wars feature to be released in theaters in North America (the eighth in Europe, as Caravan of Courage received a cinematic release there in 1984) and is the first animated theatrical film for the franchise, and the first to be distributed by Warner Bros. instead of 20th Century Fox.

1 comment:

Adam16bit said...

I agree, this is an underrated Star Wars thing. Most people seem to really hate on the cartoons but as far as I can tell they seem to be a little but more fun and briskly paced when compared to the prequels. A shorter run time really does wonders for editing, plus, as you said, Hutts-a-plenty.

Kinda wish they put the episode about the spy on Christophsis in the movie somehow, as it's weird to watch the series and see an episode take place before the film.