Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Decade of Movies #1

I love movies. There are close to 2,500 DVD's surrounding me as I write this. In fact, I own so many movies that I all too often don't get a chance to revisit many of them. Now that the decade is almost over I thought I would start a retrospective on the cinema of the last 10 years, giving me a chance to re-watch many of the movies I own. Showcased will be the good, bad, fugly, weird, hilarious, mediocre, exciting, boring, disgusting, and everything in between. I'll try to do one movie a day (I'm not promising anything!) and if all goes well it could turn into a Movie O' The Day column, ala Adam Pawlus' epic Star Wars Figure of the Day blog. Oh, and most of these posts will be brief. I don't want to write for an hour, and you probably don't want to read for that long.

Diretcted by Ivan Reitman
Released June 8, 2001

Good: Donkey Lips! (Michael Bower), the practical effects (blue ape creature), entering a giant alien anus with a fire hose, dreamboat David Duchovny, Dan Aykroyd.

Bad: Early 00's CG, Seann William Scott, Seann William Scott getting hit in the junk, Donkey Lips.

Thoughts: If you are dumb you would call this movie "Ghostbusters with aliens." Indeed it is directed by Ivan Reitman, and shares a similar plot to Ghostbusters, but it nowhere near reaches the sci-fi/comedy perfection of that film. Evolution is easily forgettable, but provides enough mildly humorous content and creatures and animals to be a worthwhile endeavour for most fans of genre stuff.

Drinking Game Ideas: Take a drink every time S. Scott is not funny or whenever a new evolved form of creature appears.

Fun Fact: The three-eyed smiley face used as the logo of the film in marketing was borrowed from the comic book Transmetropolitan. Producers had to get permission from DC Comics to use it and were licensed by Smileyworld Ltd., owner of the smiley face trademark, to use it for advertising and commercial purposes.

- Rob

P.S. Please recommend movies to me!


Kelli Chase said...

Are you going to rewatch each movie then? That sounds like fun! I haven't seen Evolution, or if I did then I must have forgotten it. lol.

FETTS said...

I'm gonna try to re-watch every movie, or at least refresh myself. Some of my favorites that I've seen a million times I probably won't need to.